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February forKids Newsletter

New Year – New Curriculum!

We have had an exciting start to 2024! We kicked off our new year with new curriculum for our Clubhouse, God City and Dig classes and the lesson times are going great!

In the Clubhouse, your children have been learning that the Bible is our most prized possession, it is better than gold and sweeter than honey; that God is great and there is no one like Him, He was, and is, and will forever be; and that He is three persons in one (the Trinity) – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 

In God City and the Dig your children have been learning the 7 C’s of History – Creation, Corruption, Catastrophe, Confusion, Christ, Cross, and Consummation. 

Over the past month, in God City, your children have been focusing on Creation and how God is our omnipotent (all powerful) Creator! So far they’ve learned that on day 1 God created the heavens, a water-covered earth, light, and time. On day 2 He separated the waters and created the expanse, which includes the sky and our atmosphere (the air we breathe). On day 3 He created plants according to their kinds and on day 4 He created the sun, moon, stars; planets, comets, asteroids, and other objects in space.

In the Dig, your children have been focusing on the first 2 C’s – Creation and Corruption. They have learned that God is the Creator of everything, He’s good and made everything “very good” and created everything in 6 normal length days about 6,000 years ago. They’ve looked at how Adam and Eve disobeyed God and brought corruption into the world. The results of the Curse include death and suffering and God had to kill at least one animal, shedding its blood, to provide clothing for them; a foreshadow to how God provided a “covering” for our sin in the Lord Jesus Christ.

In our Toddler classroom, we started a new curriculum in the fall called Truths for Toddlers. Each month they learn a new truth alongside a stuffed animal friend. This past month they learned about how God is Good with Zoe Zebra. You can check out the song they learned below.

forKids Policies and Procedures

Our volunteer team held a training in the late fall going over our forKids’ policies and procedures. If you click the button below you will be able to see our ministry protocols for the classrooms, health & safety, as well as emergency situations. 

If you have any questions you can reach out to Brittany at

forKids Policies and Procedures

With that, we have a day coming up in April to go over forKids Drills. We highly encourage you to get this date on your calendar so that you can attend and see our plans in action. We encourage your kids to attend as well so that they can walk through the drills in a kid friendly manner. We hope to see you Saturday, April 13th at 10 am!


Let’s MARCH into Fun!

The first 4 Sundays in March will be themed for the kids (and teachers!) to dress up for class time!

3/3 wear your cozy pajamas and slippers for PJ Day!

3/10 wear your jeans, hats, bandanas, boots, and come dressed as the best cowboys and cowgirls for Western Day!

3/17 how crazy can you make your hair!? We want to see on Crazy Hair Day!

3/24 wear your silliest socks or even mismatched socks on Silly Sock Day!


Don’t forget each week to access more ways to learn and grow at home as a family through our forKids page or by scanning the QR codes outside of each classroom.