Please invite and bring your family and friends to join us during Holy Week for:

3/28 – Palm Sunday Service IN PERSON and ONLINE @ 10:30 am

4/2 – Good Friday Service ONLINE ONLY @ 7:00 pm

4/4 – Easter Sunday IN PERSON and ONLINE @ 10:30 am
Wednesday nights April 14th – May 26th from 7:00pm – 8:30pm at Forward Church!
Click the sign up button below to register and see more information on the study!
Family Dedication is a special day in the life of Forward as families stand before the congregation and dedicate their children and family to a Christ-centered life. Promising to lead their families and raise their children in ways that honor and glorify God.
If you have children that you haven’t had dedicated yet you will have the opportunity to do so during service on Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 9th!
You can register by clicking the button below! The last day to register is Sunday, April 25th.

Cars and Coffee
Get this on your calendar and invite others you know to Cars and Coffee! Every 3rd Saturday of the month starting April 17th!
You can bring your car or just come to walk through and see the classics!
Call Frank Grider at 502-741-0918 for more info!
Even if you can’t go on the mission trip this summer to Appalachia, you can be a HUGE part of it by praying over the team, the region, and the church we will be partnering with.
We will be going to Clendenin, West Virginia and serving through Clendenin United Methodist Church pastored by Don Stilgenbauer. Please be in prayer over Don and his church, the people of Clendenin, as well as our team going. Join us in prayer that God would equip them with all they need to make a maximum impact for His Kingdom.
If you are interested in becoming a member of Forward, contact Pastor Neil at neil@forwardchurchfamily.com!
Live Stream
Join us here online from anywhere every Sunday at 10:30am! You can stream our services here on our website, Facebook, or Youtube.
Week of March 21, 2021
- Weekly Need- $7,480
- Last Week’s Giving- $7,054
- Year to Date Need- $89,760
- Year to Date Giving- $91,861
- Surplus- $2,191
Chest Of Joash
The Chest of Joash provides an opportunity to give above and beyond the normal tithe. The money from it goes directly to work needed done on our building.
In 2 Chronicles 24 we find Joash repairing the temple and a chest was set outside of it for people to bring a tithe that was used to pay the workers restoring the temple. Verse 10 says, “And all the princes and all the people rejoiced and brought their tax and dropped it into the chest until they had finished.”
A huge THANK YOU to all of you who have joyfully donated just as the Israelite officials and people did!
You can give to the Chest of Joash by clicking the button below and selecting “Chest of Joash” in the drop down menu.
Volunteer Opportunities
1 Peter 4:10, “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace:”
We’re encouraging and challenging everyone to take the step to get connected in serving on a team with us at Forward! We have many opportunities to serve:
- forKids (Nursery, Toddlers/Twos, The Clubhouse/Pre-K, God City/K-1st, The Dig/2nd-5th)
- Propel Middle (meets Sunday mornings) and Propel High (meets Wednesday evenings)
- Greeters and Ushers
- Starting Point Guides
- Security Team
- Tech Team
- Outreach Team
- Prayer Team
- Parking Team
For any area you may be interested in or want more information on, click the “Serve With Us!” button below and we’ll get you started!