We’re currently doing a Hygiene Drive to collect items for hygiene bags for Hope Southern Indiana. They need
Baby wipes
Size 4 and 5 diapers
We’ll have an area set up for you to drop your items off on Sunday mornings. The last day to bring items in will be NEXT Sunday, July 18th.

This will be a time for those who are new to Forward to come and get to know the leaders of the church and have lunch with them right after service!
The first will be on Sunday, July 18th and the second will be on Sunday, July 25th.
The last day to sign up for our July 18th Lunch with the Leaders will be THIS Sunday! You have until the 18th to sign up for the one on the 25th.
Childcare will be provided if needed!
P-S2 – Prayer, Study, Support
Meets Monday evenings from 6:30pm – 8:00pm at Forward Church!
Our Women’s Bible Study is starting in just a couple weeks! Women have two options to attend as they will be meeting at the church Tuesday mornings at 9:30 starting July 20th and Wednesday evenings at 7:00 starting July 21st! They will be going through the study Elijah by Priscilla Shirer. Click the What’s Happening link below to sign up for which day you’d like to attend!
The Women of Forward are putting together a Women’s Retreat September 30th through October 2nd! More details to come, but for now put it on your calendar so you don’t miss out!
Cars and Coffee
Cars and Coffee will be the 3rd Saturday of every month! The next one will be NEXT Saturday, July 17th!
You can bring your car or just come for a cup of coffee and walk through the classics!
Call Frank Grider at 502-741-0918 for more info!

Due to the Governor’s latest orders, we are no longer enforcing that face masks be worn into and throughout the building. This will be left up to each individuals preferences as to whether or not you would like to wear one.
We will continue to watch for any possible changes to this order in the future by local or state authorities.
If you are interested in becoming a member of Forward, contact Pastor Neil at neil@forwardchurchfamily.com!
Live Stream
Join us online from anywhere every Sunday at 10:30am! You can stream our services here on our website! Just click “Watch Live” at the top of any page!
Week of July 4th, 2021
- Weekly Need- $7,480
- Last Week’s Giving- $6,715
- Year to Date Need- $201,960
- Year to Date Giving- $214,927
- Surplus- $12,967
Chest Of Joash
The Chest of Joash provides an opportunity to give above and beyond the normal tithe. The money from it goes directly to work needed done on our building.
In 2 Chronicles 24 we find Joash repairing the temple and a chest was set outside of it for people to bring a tithe that was used to pay the workers restoring the temple. Verse 10 says, “And all the princes and all the people rejoiced and brought their tax and dropped it into the chest until they had finished.”
A huge THANK YOU to all of you who have joyfully donated just as the Israelite officials and people did!
You can give to the Chest of Joash by clicking the button below and selecting “Chest of Joash” in the drop down menu.
Volunteer Opportunities
1 Peter 4:10, “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace:”
We’re encouraging and challenging everyone to take the step to get connected in serving on a team with us at Forward! We have many opportunities to serve:
- forKids (Nursery, Toddlers/Twos, The Clubhouse/Pre-K, God City/K-1st, The Dig/2nd-5th)
- Propel Middle (meets Sunday mornings) and Propel High (meets Wednesday evenings)
- Greeters and Ushers
- Starting Point Guides
- Security Team
- Tech Team
- Outreach Team
- Prayer Team
- Parking Team
For any area you may be interested in or want more information on, click the “Serve With Us!” button below and we’ll get you started!