We’re looking forward to gathering with all of you on New Year’s Day at 10:30!!
Last Sunday was a day to remember in the life of our church! We set a goal to raise $100,000 for the Friends Forever Fund with a goal to put $90,000 to pay down principal on our mortgage, and $10,000 to partner with RIP Medical Debt to pay off an estimated $1,000,000 in medical debt in our community.
As always God provided above and beyond our goal through the hearts of all who gave. We raised $121,349.77! Through this we will be able to donate $10,000 to RIP Medical Debt and still put over $100,000 toward our mortgage debt!
PRAISE GOD! And THANK YOU to all who gave obediently as the Lord led!
Our men’s Bible Study group, PS-2, meets on Monday nights at the church from 6:30-8:00. They are currently studying through the book of Ecclesiastes. Men, as we head into the New Year, it’s a great time to join in!
Contact Vince Garmon at vinceg0710@gmail.com with any questions!
We will start collecting payments for the retreat THIS Sunday, January 1st. The last day to pay will be Sunday, January 15th. Checks can be made payable to Beth Grider.
Our Friday morning women’s study will start back up on Friday, January 13th.
They will be studying and verse mapping through the book of Genesis and will be meeting at 8:30 am at Starlight Coffee on Hwy 60 in Sellersburg.
Starlight Coffee
7613 IN-60, Sellersburg, IN 47172
Get Connected
Connect with the Women of Forward and keep up with upcoming events through the Band app!
You can click the button below to get the app and join our ‘Women of Forward’ group!

Sunday School class will not meet this Sunday, January 1st. They will start up again on Sunday, January 8th. The class meets from 9-10 am and will be continuing their study in Acts. If you have any questions please reach out to Dave Hollander – 502-645-4051 – dgchollander@yahoo.com.
We have a “Community Corner” that’s to the right of our coffee area. This is a place to post community events or service and job opportunities. Be sure to check it out Sunday to look for upcoming events and opportunities within our community.
If you have something you would like to post on the Community Corner wall you can contact Brittany at brittany@forwardchurchfamily.com to get the application form.
If you are interested in becoming a member of Forward, contact Pastor Neil at neil@forwardchurchfamily.com!
Live Stream
Join us online from anywhere every Sunday at 10:30am! You can stream our services here on our website! Just click “Watch Live” at the top of any page!
Chest Of Joash
The Chest of Joash provides an opportunity to give above and beyond the normal tithe. The money from it goes directly to work needed done on our building.
In 2 Chronicles 24 we find Joash repairing the temple and a chest was set outside of it for people to bring a tithe that was used to pay the workers restoring the temple. Verse 10 says, “And all the princes and all the people rejoiced and brought their tax and dropped it into the chest until they had finished.”
A huge THANK YOU to all of you who have joyfully donated just as the Israelite officials and people did!
You can give to the Chest of Joash by clicking the button below and selecting “Chest of Joash” in the drop down menu.
Volunteer Opportunities
1 Peter 4:10, “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace:”
We’re encouraging and challenging everyone to take the step to get connected in serving on a team with us at Forward! We have many opportunities to serve:
- forKids (Nursery, Toddlers/Twos, The Clubhouse/Pre-K, God City/K-1st, The Dig/2nd-5th)
- Propel Middle (meets Sunday mornings) and Propel High (meets Wednesday evenings)
- Greeters and Ushers
- Starting Point Guides
- Security Team
- Tech Team
- Outreach Team
- Prayer Team
For any area you may be interested in or want more information on, click the “Serve With Us!” button below and we’ll get you started!